2025 Nebraska Planning Conference

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A regular subject on Rural Resurrection is the Nebraska Planning Conference. This is mainly due to the fact that I’ve been President of one of the organizations that put the event on. Although I’m no longer the President of the Nebraska Planning and Zoning Association (@NPZA), I still help them and the Nebraska Chapter of the American Planning Association (@APA_Nebraska) to make it a great event each year.

This year the conference rolls out a new brand that signifies the union between the two entities to create this annual event. Utilizing colors from the logos of each association, the unity that makes the conference great is quite apparent.

Fun and Comradery in Kearney

In recent years, the conference has been held in Kearney, Nebraska. Kearney has become home to the conference as the facilities and staff at the Younes North Conference Center have been great. It’s a relatively new venue that has a wide range of amenities on site. Much more than you see in other conference centers in communities the size of Kearney, Nebraska.

Cornhole Tournament at NEPC 2023
Cornhole Tournament at NEPC 2023

Of course, Kearney is known for its crane-watching this time of year. But there’s one after-hours event that steals the show. But the annual indoor bags tournament stole the show last year. And it is sure to create quite a ruckus once again. The best part about the tournament is that the proceeds help to build a scholarship program at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln for aspiring community planners.

A Great Learning Experience

As for the sessions (the supposed reason why you’re there), the conference has tracts on housing, economic development, rural issues, and many other topics that are pertinent to rural communities. For those with AICP certification, the conference typically offers well over 40 sessions, many of which are eligible for CM credit. Some of the ones that I’m looking forward to this year are:

  • Brownfield Redevelopment for Small Communities – the Chadron Experience
  • Rural Confluence: Where the Niobrara Meets the Missouri, and Science meets Community
  • Infill Housing using Pre-Approved Plans
  • Planning for Active Mobility in La Vista (I already posted on this subject)
  • Connect MoPac: How Community Engagement Made a Long-Envisioned Trail Connection Possible

The keynote speakers for this year’s conference are:

  • Sue Schwartz, FAICP (LinkedIn) – APA President, and
  • Joseph DeAngelis, AICP (@hazardsplanner) – Planner and Research Manager at APA
  • James Carpentier, AICP (LinkedIn) – Director, State and Local Government Affairs – International Sign Association
  • Mark White (LinkedIn) – Partner at White and Smith

For those with involvement in the planning and zoning field in Nebraska, this conference is a must. Check out the NPZA webpage for more.