Check out the Post Categories

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Rural Resurrection Logo ThumbnailEach post on Rural Resurrection is tied to a specific category. These post categories are useful for those who want to learn more about a specific subject matter. In the column on the right-side of the page is a listing of this blog’s categories. They provide links to all the posts added to that category over time. Provided below is an explanation of each of the categories that Rural Resurrection offers.

Adaptive Reuse

Adaptive reuse refers to the process of reusing an existing building for a purpose other than which it was originally built or designed for. It is also known as recycling and conversion. Adaptive reuse is an effective strategy for optimizing the operational and commercial performance of built assets.


Posts with no real category. Some are general site marketing posts like, “Ways to Follow Rural Resurrection”. Others like “Minnesota Towns” provide background information for future articles”

Destination Towns

Destination Towns is a relatively new series on Rural Resurrection. These towns are unique and boldly different, towns that stick out in a crowd and draw people in rather than letting them fly through.

Downtown Revitalization

Ideas and proven examples about renovating downtowns. Includes posts about economic development, grants, activating, fundraising and success stories.

Events / Conferences

Annual observances, conferences, and other activities that can have an impact on our communities, directly or indirectly.

Ghost Towns

There’s an old saying, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” It is important to learn from these ghost towns to help us avoid our communities becoming one as well. However, some of the stories in this category are just interesting tales to read.

Helping Hand

Programs and volunteer activities that can help your community. This category isn’t about grants, it is more about assistance to energize a populace into action.


Articles about all aspects of rural housing. Topics include; affordable housing, fair housing, workforce housing, repair and maintenance as well.


Community marketing is a strategy to engage an audience in an active, non-intrusive prospect and customer conversation. Whereas marketing communication strategies such as advertising, promotion, PR, and sales all focus on attaining customers, Community Marketing focuses on the perceived needs of existing customers.

Planning the Future

Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men`s blood and probably themselves will not be realized. Make big plans; aim high in hope and work, remembering that a noble, logical diagram once recorded will never die, but long after we are gone will be a living thing, asserting itself with ever- growing insistency.” – Daniel Burnham. This category dives into the need to plan for your community’s future.


What regulatory actions can you take to help your community out? Is there a new issue affecting other communities that your community needs to be prepared for with proper regulation?

Star Communities

These are communities that deserve recognition for what they have accomplished. Much like receiving a gold star from your teacher as a kid.

Thinking Outside the Box

Existing initiatives which may be working elsewhere, but may not have received enough press to trickle down to some parts of the Midwest. Or bold new ideas that just might work.

Tool KitTool Kit Logo

The Tool Kit post category provides information on grants and other sources of assistance to help make community projects a reality. Often sample projects are provided to provide an example of how these tools can help your own community.

Tough Issues

Every community goes through tough times. Whether it happens to be tornadoes, floods, or a major employer leaving town. The key is to learn from their heartaches and their perseverance to embolden your own community when problems strike.


The Tourism post category provides ideas to nurture the tourism sector of your community’s economic development activities.

Christopher Solberg

About Chris Solberg

Though Christopher Solberg (AICP) works in a suburb of a metropolitan area, his roots are in Red Oak, Iowa, a community of 5,500 persons southeast of Omaha. He has spent a significant amount of his career helping small towns. Through his time working for a regional planning association and for a private consultant Chris has helped numerous small towns throughout Iowa and Nebraska. Chris was the President of the Nebraska Planning and Zoning Association (NPZA) for eight years and a member of both the NPZA and NE APA Nebraska boards.

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