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About Rural Resurrection

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Rural Resurrection is a blog about saving small-town America. Specifically, we are talking about the small towns in the Midwest. The quaint towns have dotted the countryside that truly defines the term “small-town feeling” that is so horribly misused today. These great communities are hurting, not only from “brain drain”, but the changing economy of the post-industrial era. Slowly, gracefully, many of these communities are fading away, remaining only in the hearts of those who once lived there.

This blog was created to provide information and resources to community leaders. Leaders whose hearts ache for ways to make their community better. Through this blog, we’ll discuss several subjects that affect small towns. We’ll also conduct interviews with people who know what works and how. But we’ll also celebrate the towns that have succeeded, and how they’ve turned things around.

About The Owner/Editor

Picture of Chris Solberg

Chris Solberg is the Deputy Community Development Director for a suburb of Omaha, Nebraska. He’s a member of the American Planning Association (APA) and a certified planner through the American Planning Association (AICP). Chris is also the former President of the Nebraska Planning and Zoning Association (NPZA) and a member of both the NPZA and the APA Nebraska boards.

Though Chris works in a suburb of a metropolitan area, his roots are in Red Oak, Iowa, a community of 5,500 persons southeast of Omaha. He has spent a significant amount of his career helping small towns. Whether through writing CDBG grants for sewer system improvements, or writing housing studies aimed at improving the existing housing stock of a community, Chris has helped numerous small towns throughout Iowa and Nebraska.

For more about Chris and Rural Resurrection, check out these posts:

Why Rural Resurrection?

Why “Don’t Just Survive, Thrive!”

Chris is available for speaking engagements and can be reached through the blog’s Contact page.

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(The commentary within this blog does not represent the thoughts or beliefs of NPZA, APA Nebraska, or Chris’ employers)