January is National Implementation Month

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Back in October for National Planning Month I wrote an article entitled, “Implementation, the Lost Step in Comprehensive Planning“. This article delved into the fact that implementation is the most important part of Comprehensive Planning, yet it is often where comprehensive plans fail to have impact. As stated, “Unfortunately, many comprehensive plans sit and collect dust on some shelf, only to be picked up for reference on a random land use decision or potential legal matter.”

As key as Implementation is, why is it failing so much? There’s a celebration after the comprehensive plan is completed, then things die down. Often the consultant’s contract is complete and they move on to the next project. City officials and residents alike get distracted like the dog in the movie “UP”.


City’s need a regular reminder to grab that plan and look it over. To flip through the pages and pick out specific goals and action items to work on over the next year. There needs to be month specifically dedicated to implementation, much like National Planning Month, or National Preparedness Month, or National Ice Cream Month (yes, it’s real). That’s why Rural Resurrection is declaring January…..

National Implementation Month!

National Implementation Month LogoSure, this blog has no official capacity to declare such a thing. No resolutions have been passed by local communities. There have been no designations by congress. Certainly, there hasn’t been proclamation by the President. But anyone can observe it as they wish.

It is important to point out National Implementation Month is not just for Comprehensive Plans, it is for any planning project that a community has adopted. From park plans to housing plans, there is a wide range of plans out there that need that attention annually to be successful.

Additionally, January is an ideal month for National Implementation Month. It  is the start of a new year. Everyone is making their new year’s resolutions, why shouldn’t a community? You just hope that the effort lasts longer than my resolution to reduce my cholesterol when I pass a great burger joint. Also, the winter months are often slower in municipal offices, an ideal time to step back and re-evaluate. To set a course of action to implement actions over the coming year to make those plans impactful.

So celebrate, it’s National Implementation Month!

1 thought on “January is National Implementation Month

  1. Pingback: Looking Back on 2020 - Rural Resurrection

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