Churches and Community Organizations in Disaster Recovery

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The recent flooding events in Nebraska and Iowa have created trying times for communities in those states. During the recovery process there are a number of hurdles that communities need to jump over in order to come back from such devastation. One of the largest challenges is getting help to those who need it. Often churches and community organizations become centers for receiving donations. Although they are often able to help some of those impacted, but there are often may that are not assisted as connections are not made.

Struggle to Connect

For instance, many in the congregation of my own church had a desire to help those in need that had suffered from flooding along the Platte River on the southern edge of the county. Numerous homes along the river had water up to the peak of their residence. There were a significant number of homes that were even outside of the floodplain that were impacted.

Church leaders seemed to struggle with selecting who to help. Eventually teams were sent out to subdivisions to help groups of homes that were impacted. However, these subdivisions are obvious locations for assistance as they are large clusters of homes. But there are many residences that exist by themselves outside of the more suburban-style subdivisions. These residences are out on an island alone and often do not receive assistance.

Chicken Sandwiches and Connections

Thankfully for one resident, a conversation with church leaders struck up while ordering Chick-fil-a resulted in assistance. This person and her husband had their mobile home flooded and lost everything. The church helped to move them to an apartment and helped to replace some of the items lost during the event.

What if that conversation never took place? Would that couple never have been helped? What about the many other residents that are unable to make that connection?